Third Green-4-Future Project in Portugal Convene Partners for Productive Meeting

Oeiras, Portugal

The Green-4-Future project, dedicated to greening the EntreComp Framework and harmonizing economic development with environmental security, reached a significant milestone during its partner meeting in Portugal. This two-day event, hosted by the Portuguese partner, Instituto De Soldadura E Qualidade (ISQ), took place from May 24th to 25th, 2022.

A Gathering of Minds and Progress

The partner meeting was marked by dynamic discussions and substantial progress:

  • Overview of the Green-4-Future Project: The meeting began with partners presenting and discussing the project’s current status, offering insights into the intellectual outputs (IOs), the project website, and the project’s status within each partner organization.
  • Completion of IO1: GreenEntreComp Framework: A significant achievement was celebrated with the presentation of the finished IO1 – GreenEntreComp Framework. This pivotal component sets the stage for sustainable entrepreneurship education.
  • Focus on IO2 and IO3: Partners also provided updates on IO2 – Business Modelling for Circular Economy Businesses and IO3 – In-service Training for VET Tutors, vital elements enhancing the project’s impact.
  • Introduction of IO4: Green-4-Future MOOC: The meeting included the introduction of IO4 – the Green-4-Future MOOC prototype, sparking productive discussions.

Planning for Dissemination and Project Milestones

The second day of the meeting was dedicated to essential project planning:

  • Dissemination and Exploitation: Partners collaborated on strategies for disseminating project outcomes and maximizing their impact.
  • Project Timeline and Milestones: The project timeline, work plan, and key milestones were defined, charting a clear path for the project’s progression.

Insightful and Productive

The Portugal partner meeting proved to be a rich source of insights and productivity. Partners’ dedication to the Green-4-Future project’s goals was evident as they collectively worked towards a greener and more sustainable future.